Do you want to buy a hotel or a holiday resort? Or perhaps one is to serve as collateral for a loan? Whatever your intentions, you need an accurate appraisal. Rely on us, and we will quickly and professionally estimate the value of your property, so that you can take further action without undue delay.

Appraisals of hotels or holiday resorts should not be limited to solely the value of the building. It is also important to estimate the value of the land, as well as the furnishings and fittings. Only by adopting such a comprehensive approach is it possible to accurately appraise the given property. Thanks to many years of experience, we can guarantee this to you.

biegly rzeczoznawca majatkowy

Appraisal of facilities as complex as hotels and holiday resorts requires professional knowledge, experience and full commitment. We offer all of these to our clients.

Professional appraisal of hotels and holiday resorts – overview of the individual activities


We use the profit method of the income approach to professionally appraise hotels and holiday resorts. It allows to precisely determine the proceeds generated by such properties. (In some cases, other appraisal methods may also be used, including the replacement and comparative approaches). We analyse, among all, the following:
location of the property
business environment and competition
technical condition of the property and its furnishings, fittings and infrastructure
number of guests
hotel’s future financial performance
management fees

This is only a small selection of all micro- and macroeconomic factors that we analyse when appraising hotels and holiday resorts. We always take into account the individual characteristics of the property and its unique features. Thanks to the attention to even the smallest details, we are able to reliably estimate the value of a property, which reflects its actual potential to generate income.